Use "dire|direr|direst" in a sentence

1. Oh, then we are in dire, dire circumstances.

2. The acting was dire.

3. I thought that film was dire!

4. His dire wolf is called Summer.

5. The factory is in dire straits.

6. These children are in dire need.

7. The company is in dire straits.

8. Such action may have dire consequences.

9. Dire son Chapelet to say the rosary

10. The company is in dire financial straits.

11. 3 The factory is in dire straits.

12. Dire son Chapelet to say the rosary

13. 17 New York state in dire straits.

14. Errors in forecasting can have dire consequences.

15. It pull them in dire financial straits.

16. The film we saw was absolutely dire!

17. 15 Businesses are in especially dire straits.

18. The business is in dire financial straits.

19. 1 The company is in dire straits.

20. Now I really was in a dire predicament.

21. The firm is now in dire financial straits .

22. Think of them as a punk Dire Straits.

23. Clank! is co-published with Dire Wolf Digital.

24. The Great Northern War also threatened dire consequences.

25. He forecasts a dire future for the industry.

26. The situation is dire, but not yet irreparable.

27. Can the Bible help in such dire situations?

28. Everyone agrees the sport is in dire straits.

29. 4 Everyone agrees the sport is in dire straits.

30. 16 He failed, and is now in dire straits.

31. Everton, to put it bluntly, are in dire straits.

32. The Athenaeum is an area of Dire Maul West

33. 7 Think of them as a punk Dire Straits.

34. Je ne sais pas quoi dire pour te Consoler .

35. Last night there were dire warnings of civil war.

36. The Athenaeum is an area of Dire Maul West

37. This decision will have dire consequences for local people.

38. Now that father's lost his job, we're in dire straits.

39. Disciplina Clericalis vorrebbe dire «istruzione del letterato» (clericus)

40. Under such dire circumstances, what could Peter’s fellow Christians do?

41. A government split would have dire consequences for domestic peace.

42. He gave a dire warning that an earthquake was imminent.

43. After the war the county's economy was in dire straits.

44. Burster Spectres wield the most powerful magic among dire spectres

45. 12 The consequences of war are dire, the sacrifices immeasurable.

46. The firm is in dire straits and may go bankrupt.

47. In many places there were dire shortages of food and fuel.

48. Working with Dire straits has always been a vocation for me.

49. The direr thy tale about the Bacchantes, the heavier punishment will I inflict on this fellow who brought his secret arts amongst our women

50. If the Bill is outvoted, we are faced with dire prospects.

51. 13 synonyms for Apocalyptical: apocalyptic, baneful, dire, direful, fateful, fire-and

52. 21 We were indeed in dire straits. But we pulled through.

53. The post - war years witnessed a dire shortage of rolling stock .

54. And still, where Fergie's behaviour merely offered dire warnings - Never misbehave.

55. The dire warnings of world shortages have not come to pass.

56. What does Calamity mean? Dire distress resulting from loss or tragedy

57. 18 People living in dire straits, struggling in the death online.

58. 8 Everton, to put it bluntly,( are in dire straits.

59. 6 Now that father's lost his job, we're in dire straits.

60. 5 The firm is in dire straits and may go bankrupt.

61. 2 After the war the county's economy was in dire straits.

62. How am I supposed to know what qualifies as a dire emergency?

63. 26 The Indian granite and natural stone industry is in dire straits.

64. That wholesale destruction of the birds was a tragedy with dire consequences.

65. 9 Working with Dire straits has always been a vocation for me.

66. There were dire warnings about the dangers of watching too much TV.

67. 23 If we had a child, we'd be in really dire straits.

68. On peut dire que le Capitalisme est divisé en trois phases :

69. How many dire Blts have you had? Think about it, the horror of …

70. Is this world really in such dire straits that mankind needs a Messiah?

71. Peggy realized what dire financial straits she was in when her husband died.

72. the closest propinquity of the man whom he had most vilely wronged!- and who had grown to exist only by this perpetual poison of the direst revenge!

73. Could Jehovah’s people raise themselves erect in the midst of such dire straits?

74. Dire wolves lived as recently as 9,440 years ago, according to dated remains.

75. Despite dire threats of violence from extremist groups, the protest passed off peacefully.

76. We came to save Luoyang, which is in dire straits and about to fall.

77. 25 You may have heard that a few manufacturers have fallen into dire straits.

78. The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.

79. “Ague” is also used in less dire circumstances to mean simply a severe chill

80. The Soviet Union retaliated by threatening "dire consequences" if the condemnations were not retracted.